Monday 20 December 2010

Ammended & Finished Front cover

This is my final draft of the music magazine front cover:
I enlarged the masthead for a more conventional magazine style. I also got rid of the pull quote and replaced it. This was all because i felt it had more of a poster feel to it than a magazine front cover.

This is my second draft of the magazine front cover:
I changed the colour scheme to match the rest of the magazines image.

The edges surrounded this would be cut off in printing. so i have moved everything in slightly.

First draft

Mind Map

Selected Draft and Detailed Draft

Front cover free hand Drafts

Sunday 19 December 2010

Straight away the target auidence for this article is established by the main image of Shakira, then the mast head provides the idealogy, the information, that shakira is hard at work in the studios to create new material, a revelation that would be pleasing to the shakira fans, she is represented as fierce and determined, almost animalistic in her approach to her work shown by the quotation.

Institution - Q magazine

Kerrang Double Page Spread

As an alternative Press Double page spread was difficult to find i used a similair magazine, Kerrang. The mast head is a clear promotion for the band My Chemical Romance and connotates that the band are at their peak, performance wise, the main image shows the front man on stage on tour, surrounded by the sub images confirming the idealogy, that the band are doing well on tour and that they are promoting it for the fans. The strapline 'World Exclusive' Means that the target audience (fans of the band) wont get this information anywhere else, a key selling point.

LIIAR - Double Page Spread, NME

The main image, The Black Eyed Peas, is the most eye catching part of the spread, its automatically provides the target audience, fans of the band, it represents the band as very modern, trendt and contempory, wearing stylish clothing and uses simple effective colours to make them stand out. NME is the institution and the ideaology is to give information on the bands front man Will.I.Am as he is the most prominant figure and the article title cleverly used his name 'will' as a question.

Friday 17 December 2010

More work to be uploaded

The scanned rough drafts are on my home computer, having used my own scanner, ill upload them tonight. and finish the LIIAR evaluations.
i also had taken this shot, the two i thought i would get the most out of, i think this has a sense of mystery due to the turned back and that it would fit well on a music magazine.

This is a shot i had previously taken, i belive the pose is edgy and has a sense of cockyness i think is needed for a musician, especially one in alternative rock.

Wednesday 24 November 2010

Alternative Press Magazine

 The institution for this magazine is American magazine Alternative Press, or AP as it is recognised. It's main focus is to promote bands and tours, the genre it focuses on is alternative rock and in some cases, metal. Its ideology is to help break through artists, such as August Turns Red, to gain popularity and recognition, also featuring spreads on larger bands such as Bring me the Horizon and Emarosa. Its representation of the bands is possitive and groups the two bands BMTH and Emarosa in the main image to show unity within the genre, the audience are fans of the magazine, genre or bands involved.

NME Music Magazine

The institution is directly established through the Ident, NME. The magazine is famous in the music world and the NME initials is the perfect iconography, and selling point for the magazine. Another selling point being in the form of the Puff " The Headline Franz Ferdinand gives and insight into both genre and topic of where the band has been and what they have been doing, the magazine is focused on in that issue being confirmed by the Kicker "So what took you so long?". Knowing the genre also leads to knowing the  target audience/demographic of the magazine, fans of the genre and the band in question, also possably fans with physical attraction to the band members which will be stimulated by the Main Image. The idealogly behind NME is to inform on the latest music happenings within that genre, such as the strapline shows. It has positive representation of the bands image with nice suits and swarve hair, it has negative represantion of the fact that the band hasnt been recording for a while and that there new songs have been a long time coming.

Wednesday 17 November 2010

Evaluation of Music Magazine Q

The magazine in question is straight away defined as the institution Q magazine due to its masthead, the recognisable red and white Q sign. This in its self is its selling point due it is reputation as a prestigious music magazine, however the headline The Prodigy relays the main topic within the magazine and accounts for the selling point of this particular issue of Q and not Q as a brand. The magazine appeals to those who enjoy the alternative/classic/heavy rock genre, around the ages of 16 and up, because of some of the lifestyles of 'rock stars' that are represented. The magazine believes in exposing new bands to the rock scene that show potential, the Brand image, depicting Keith Flint (Front man) standing over a crack in the ground clutching a megaphone, the idea behind this image is to declare The Prodigy’s band image and music is ground breaking and must be exposed to the avid readers. The banner headline "The worlds biggest music magazine" self promotes the product and is arguably correct.

Pricing of my magazine

The pricing of my magazine will amount to approximatley £3.99, the reasoning behind the high price is down to how often the magazine is published, such celeb magazines such as Heat, Okay or Reveal are released in short spaces of time, some being once a week or more, reaching such prices as 69p to £1, this is because the celeb world moves fast and changes happen over night, so magazines must bring out the most up to date info befoire the competition beats them to it, because people only buy the magazine based on its front cover story.

However music magazines like Q are realsed in monthly installments, because they have built up a demographic that subscribes to them and buys them based on their reputation. They are often quite bulky for magazines and updated the reader on all the months music happenings on the selected genre it is famous for covering. They are around 160 - 200 pages long, which is expected after a months labour, and £3.99 a month seems like a better bargin than paying 69p-£1, weekly, most times 2-3 times a week.

That is the reason for the price for my montly Music Magazine

Choice of Music Genre

I have chosen to undertake the Alternitive Rock Genre, Bands catogorized under this Genre include my favourite band Emarosa. Also others like The Prodigy, Franz Ferdinand and many more.
Music magazines which tend to focus on this Genre are Alternative Press, NME and Q.

I have chosen this Genre because it has a wide range of artists and is also covered by the most well known magazines and professionals, these magazines are the competition for my magazine.

Friday 12 November 2010


Evaluation of College Magazine  
Michael Davies

When making the college magazine I opted to appeal to the computing demographic with the topic and theme of the magazine front cover, I took a medium shot of my model facing a computer, still keeping a profile on him, but also making sure I had the computer screen in shot. When taking the shot I also gave away a lot of unused space at the top which had a white background, this was so I could edit the picture with a clear and visible heading.

I also had to make it look like a true magazine, adding little details in such as barcodes, issue dates and other well known branded products such as “McAfee” in the presentation. The sub-heading “tips to make it look easy” give the audience an insight on what they are about to read.

Language – The college magazines language shows a male sat at a computer engaging in his work which connotes his enjoyment of using the computers and how vital they are to college success, as hand written pieces are being left behind. The texts used are all in a formal style, including handy statements and even a rhetorical question, which poses this magazine as an informative text, appealing to the demographic of young college students who wish to become more adept at computing.

Institution – The institution of the magazine is Wyke 6th form.

Ideology – The ideology behind the concept is to inform young college goers about the computing facilities and how the new computers in the college are going to help them with future learning of their subjects. The magazine is aimed at the computing demographic but can also appeal to those who are just interested in how to improve the quality of their work, in areas such as editing for media/film, or creating designs for graphics.

Audience - Anyone looking to go to college, it aims its topics at anyone and everyone who wants to attain higher learning at colleges and even helps people with any problems they might have with it such as one of the sub headings on the magazine saying “Tips to make it look easy”” in order to help people with computer troubles.  

Representation – The magazine represents the college as moving forward in the technology aspects, it shows and connotes that its facilities are upgraded and that the college students are focused (hence why I had the model face the screen and not the camera) on their work and that they enjoy using the computers at Wyke.

Wednesday 20 October 2010

L.I.I.A.R Evaluation of College magazine,
College Lifestyle
Issued September 2009

Language – The main image is very positive in its aim to promote college lifestyle as a fun and active environment with such sub-headings as “College Couture – campus casual to party” and “Thank God its Friday” the image is very sharp and sophisticated to appeal to the more mature students and not secondary schoolers, the male in the picture looks very mature and has a positive expression depicting college lifestyle as an enjoyable environment.

The male is also holding a set of books having connotations that while the average college student can party the main aim at the college is indeed to learn, otherwise I believe the male would be holding something such as an alcoholic drink form example

Institution – The institution is, a website that is advertising funded. Focusing primary on promoting the college lifestyle.

Ideology – Focusing on the party scene, learning, sports, art etc, the magazine represents everyone in college as an individual and that everyone achieves their true potential and become the adults they are to be in the college time, and that the only way to become successfully is to have been apart of the college life.

Audience -  Anyone looking to go to college, it aims its topics at anyone and everyone who wants to attain higher learning at colleges and even helps people with any problems they might have with it such as one of the sub headings on the magazine saying “Make Money on Campus” in order to help people with money troubles.

Representation – the representation of colleges and the people within them are represented positively in an enjoyable role, that they are great for students to have fun and party amongst their studies, although this is a negative thing to say as learning should be their top priority it doesn’t forget these worries by representing the college as a forefront for sport, dance or even harder subjects such as Law.
L.I.I.A.R Evaluation of College magazine,
Secondary Teachers
Issued March 2010
Secondary main page

Language – The Images given are very positive in the sense that they are promoting secondary school teaching, the image of the girl is very centred (a medium shot) and very tidy, she is seen smiling and dressed formal and smart, to show the organisation of secondary schools and that it is also enjoyable not only for the students but potential teachers.

There is also intertextuallity in the sub-heading where it references the “X-Factor” talent show as a device to relate to the younger more ‘trendy’ viewers.

The designer used a Photoshop image of a green and yellow election ribbon and a document to convey an election theme, showing that these students are grasping the idea of new responsibilities. And becoming more independent and have their own ideas.

Institution – The institution is TeacherNet, a company that is government funded and backed up. Focusing on primary and secondary school teachers.

Ideology – The idea is that Secondary teaching is both a healthy opportunity for both new potential trainee teachers and the students of the school.

Audience -  The topic suggests that this would be aimed at the older gherneration, those interested in teaching because it is a persuasive magazine for secondary school teachers, and also the presentation of cartoon like pictures appeals to the children it is discussing also.

Representation – the representation of secondary schools is very positive, they are seen formally dressed and finding school life enjoyable, a point the magazine is trying to make as down to the teaching staff who are being represented as capable and hard working individuals.

Friday 8 October 2010

The Brief

Preliminary Exercise

Using DTP and an image manipulation program, produce the front page of a new school/college magazine, featuring a photograph of a student in medium close-up plus some appropriately laid-out text and masthead. Additionally I must produce a mock-up of the layout of the contents page to demonstrate their grasp of DTP

Main Task

The front page, contents and double page spread of a new college magazine. All images and text used must be origional, produced by myself - minimum of four images.