Wednesday 17 November 2010

Pricing of my magazine

The pricing of my magazine will amount to approximatley £3.99, the reasoning behind the high price is down to how often the magazine is published, such celeb magazines such as Heat, Okay or Reveal are released in short spaces of time, some being once a week or more, reaching such prices as 69p to £1, this is because the celeb world moves fast and changes happen over night, so magazines must bring out the most up to date info befoire the competition beats them to it, because people only buy the magazine based on its front cover story.

However music magazines like Q are realsed in monthly installments, because they have built up a demographic that subscribes to them and buys them based on their reputation. They are often quite bulky for magazines and updated the reader on all the months music happenings on the selected genre it is famous for covering. They are around 160 - 200 pages long, which is expected after a months labour, and £3.99 a month seems like a better bargin than paying 69p-£1, weekly, most times 2-3 times a week.

That is the reason for the price for my montly Music Magazine

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