Friday 12 November 2010


Evaluation of College Magazine  
Michael Davies

When making the college magazine I opted to appeal to the computing demographic with the topic and theme of the magazine front cover, I took a medium shot of my model facing a computer, still keeping a profile on him, but also making sure I had the computer screen in shot. When taking the shot I also gave away a lot of unused space at the top which had a white background, this was so I could edit the picture with a clear and visible heading.

I also had to make it look like a true magazine, adding little details in such as barcodes, issue dates and other well known branded products such as “McAfee” in the presentation. The sub-heading “tips to make it look easy” give the audience an insight on what they are about to read.

Language – The college magazines language shows a male sat at a computer engaging in his work which connotes his enjoyment of using the computers and how vital they are to college success, as hand written pieces are being left behind. The texts used are all in a formal style, including handy statements and even a rhetorical question, which poses this magazine as an informative text, appealing to the demographic of young college students who wish to become more adept at computing.

Institution – The institution of the magazine is Wyke 6th form.

Ideology – The ideology behind the concept is to inform young college goers about the computing facilities and how the new computers in the college are going to help them with future learning of their subjects. The magazine is aimed at the computing demographic but can also appeal to those who are just interested in how to improve the quality of their work, in areas such as editing for media/film, or creating designs for graphics.

Audience - Anyone looking to go to college, it aims its topics at anyone and everyone who wants to attain higher learning at colleges and even helps people with any problems they might have with it such as one of the sub headings on the magazine saying “Tips to make it look easy”” in order to help people with computer troubles.  

Representation – The magazine represents the college as moving forward in the technology aspects, it shows and connotes that its facilities are upgraded and that the college students are focused (hence why I had the model face the screen and not the camera) on their work and that they enjoy using the computers at Wyke.

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